Balloon Repair Station

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News 29.12.17

~ News on the News
~ HS2. Another two years?
~ Fire & First Aid Course in Bristol 06 Feb 2018
~ A very proper send off for Ray Hunt
~ Ray Hunt 10.5.1950 to 12.10.2017
~ More sad news on the Doorstep – Norman Apsey
~ What’s your Vector, Victor? – Conversion to 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing
~ The Great British Long Jump Results published
~ GASCO Safety Evenings 2018
~ Kidde Hand-Held Fire Extinguisher recall
~ Bless him – Birdman tethers inside Liverpool Cathedral
~ The Great Lindstrand T30 debacle – SB25-3 and SB-26 issued
~ Cameron TCDSs updated
~ Safety Information Bulletin 2017/13 Issued – Suspected Unapproved Parts
~ Ultramagic Service Bulletins SB 01/07 and SB 02/17
~ And…more news on the TCDS front
~ And………more updates from Camerons
~ Met Office Ballooning Forecasts feedback requested
~ The Capital Balloon Club Lindstrand G-BUWI sold off
~ CAP 747 gets an update to Issue3 Amendment 2017/01
~ CAP 1590 Cost Sharing Flights explained – Guidance and Information
~ Pilatus PC-24 about to enter service
~ EASA Ballooning Air Operations Regulations finalised
~ Self declared medicals – Clarification Clarence
~ New Skyway Code – CAA online guide launched
~ Inspection Schedules go west
~ Passport renewal made easy
~ Best year for mushrooms for a long time
~ Happiness is a sunny day and a fine wobble
~ Talking of wobbling

News Update 22.12.17 – Norman Apsey

Norman Apsey It was with great sadness that we heard that Norman Apsey passed away peacefully in his sleep around eight pm on the evening of the 20th December*. Audrey Apsey said that at the age of 85 he had suffered a further stroke and contracted pneumonia shortly afterward, so it was a relief for… Read More ›

News Update 10.11.17

The Great Lindstrand T30 debacle – SB25-3 and SB-26 issued Now appearing as an update on their website, Cameron Balloons have issued SB25-3 and SB26. It has probably not escaped your attention that Cameron Balloons Ltd have been having a rather Cossack Kick-about with Lindstrand T30 cylinders. Camerons have now equaled their existing record for… Read More ›

News Update 10.07.17 – Metz

Lorraine Mondial Air Ballons [LMAB] – UK Pilots with Sub-ICAO Medicals If you are off to Metz and don’t hold a Class 2 medical then please read this and act immediately. It isn’t bad news but needs swift action. The French DGAC held a meeting last week to consider the matter of UK balloon pilots… Read More ›

News 25.06.17

~ Bits you might have missed
~ Cameron SB 25 updated to SB25-2
~ News update Cameron Balloons SB 25 Lindstrand Titanium Cylinders
~ CAA Job Vacancy
~ Kubicek TCDS, Flight and Maintenance Manual updates
~ Kubicek Service Bulletin BB/51 – Ignis Burner bracket – Issued
~ Hot air airship crash at US Opens
~ Cameron job vacancies
~ Unmanned aircraft regulations drone on
~ Transportation of Lithium batteries published
~ CAA launch a New Skyway Code
~ Clarity Clarence on Eurotunnel gas requirements
~ Ultramagic Supplement updated
~ Fire And First Aid Course
~ Another Turkish Balloon Accident
~ Chinese hot air airship on eBay
~ Laser Attack
~ Look lively – Short notice Armed Forces Day Meet
~ Ultramagic produce survival bag
~ Good as his word
~ The Yarrow Balloon
~ Rosie does the Jet Provost

News Update 12.06.2017

Cameron Balloons SB 25 Lindstrand Titanium Cylinders Cameron Balloons Limited have issued a Service Bulletin SB25 advising owners of Russian-built titanium cylinders that they should be removed from service. Please be fully aware that this Service Bulletin is ‘Highly Recommended’, not ‘Mandatory’, so the note sent from Cameron Balloons stating ‘This bulletin withdraws the Lindstrand… Read More ›

News update 10.04.17

Cameron Manuals – Updates published The following documents have been issued or revised and are available on the Cameron Balloons website. If you are an Inspector then you may have already got this from Mr Graham but, in case you aren’t or haven’t, here we go…… Hot Air Balloon Flight Manual, Issue 10 has gone… Read More ›

News 04.04.17

EASA bollix bi-weeklies As some of you have already discovered the EASA bi-weekly site is now apparently only going to open during working hours. This is a brilliant idea that is going to upset a lot of users especially Airbus who have an Airworthiness Directive (AD) issued every ten minutes! Whether this is temporary or… Read More ›

News Update 14.03.16

Lindstrand Jetstream Burner: Service Bulletin SB23, Revision 2. Following on from the issue of Cameron Service Bulletin SB23, and the results of the report on wear to the affected parts, EASA have deemed it a textbook “potential for an unsafe condition” and an EASA Airworthiness Directive may possibly follow. Cameron SB23 Revision 2 is split… Read More ›

News 04.03.17

~ Jumpin’ Jack Wallaby? – Cameron BA012 goes to issue 31
~ BBAC Instructor training Days
~ Little rules for little balloons type championships
~ Bonkers Hopping record attempt in Metz
~ CAA UK CPL (B) exam dates published
~ Tony Faulkner
~ Black Horse All Fools Meet – Bit Late
~ British Women Pilots Association Scholarships – Now Open
~ Ballooning going to York
~ On the hurry up – BBAC AGM last call
~ Wellesbourne Airfield under threat
~ More on CAA radio requirements and dosh!!!
~ Devon Meet announced
~ Possibly Meet of the Year Award
~ Bedale a GO-GO
~ Happy Times
~ Cracking Croatia Meet Announced