Balloon Repair Station

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News Update 10.02.19

~ What’s your Vector, Victor?
~ Concorde talks

News Update 03.02.19

~ EASA Flight Crew Licensing regulation survey
~ Space hot air balloons – Now this really is interesting

News 01.02.19

~ TCDS changes – very interesting
~ Concorde 50 anniversary
~ BBAC AGM final details released
~ Can you pat your head and rub you stomach?
~ What FlyDOO – they hit the road
~ Watch out – Pilot fined for infringing Restricted Area (Temporary)
~ Watch out – Part Two
~ Big Ups
~ Basket Off to Turkey!
~ Have your say – Heathrow consultation begins
~ BABO (The British Association of Balloon Operators – A rallying cry
~ What’s you vector Victor – New 8.33kHz radios & licensing enforced
~ BBAC Instructor days published
~ CAA announce 2019 CPL(B) Exam Dates
~ Farewell Monarch Engineering
~ 2019 BBAC Member Discount for Sailings on DFDS Services
~ Balloons go Racing?
~ BBAC update on EASA changes as of 31st October 2018
~ Stansted new terminal going ahead
~ Then there was this tree bit – Broken burner syndrome
~ Steve Burden – ‘riding on an ‘orse’
~ Those were the days – Bristol 1987

News 03.01.19

~ Content and readability
~ Turning the Pages bit
~ Cameron Balloons Hose Life – Service Bulletin 27 issued
~ End of an era – Grass Roots Founder retires
~ And another… Folly Dog Leg is no more
~ To the Swan – The Christmas Ride
~ Balls and valves- EASA SIB No 2018-14 issued
~ CAA Survey on Maintenance Programmes and the SDMP
~ The nothing to do with Lindstrands Meet – well maybe a little bit
~ Air Navigation Order 2016 updated
~ David Liddiard Obituary – Pete Bish
~ UK AOC renewals reviewed
~ Interval – Just Back
~ Best bogwash notes from EASA 2018
~ It’s Metz year again
~ Government support for airfields announced
~ Access to Government Aerodromes Aeronautical Information
~ Lost your personal logbook? – New procedures
~ Sagrantino Cup dates confirmed
~ Third time lucky? – BBAC Annual General Meeting No 54c
~ Cameron update boogie news
~ Don’t drink and fly – Safety Information Bulletin 2018-07 issued
~ 2018 – Year of the Balloon Meet
~ Be Safe Fly Safe – Tiredness
~ Occurrence Reporting and what to do
~ Schroeder Flight Cylinders – possible problem to watch
~ Grade 2 well listed – The Chateau retires

News Update 30.04.18

CAA Survey on Maintenance Programmes Through Monkeychops, or whatever the company is called, the CAA have sent out a survey form enquiring what type of Maintenance Programme balloons are using. The survey has been sent to individual owners and does not identify the balloon. There are moves afoot to introduce new Maintenance Programmes called ‘Self… Read More ›

News Update 15.03.18

New bigger, better Cameron Flight Manual Amendment 16 issued Just in from Dave Boxall is the news that, in a pre-season bonanza, he has raised The Cameron Flight Manual to a dizzy Amendment 16. Speaking on Bedminster FM last night he said that, “Amendment 16 is a first for Cameron Balloons.” adding, “This is the… Read More ›

News Update 09.03.18

Lindstrand T30 Titanium cylinders EASA PAD 18-035 issued EASA have, in a surprise move (well, surprised us!), issued a PAD (Proposed Airworthiness Directive) rather than the ‘Cameron promised’ imminent Airworthiness Directive. Now this is interesting as it won’t become an Airworthiness Directive until the, what is now a public, consultation process finishes on 06 April… Read More ›

News 04.03.18

~ Aidan Murphy
~ What!!! Cameron TCDS BA.013 goes to Issue 18?
~ BBAC AGM postponed due to weather
~ Unlicensed site owners asked to update details by 7 March
~ Carriage of Defibrillators in aircraft
~ 8.33 Radio Arrival Imminent
~ SkyWise? You do need this.
~ The joy of EASA rulemaking
~ St Helena Christmas flights cancelled
~ Air accident investigation under scrutiny
~ Royal helicopter flight airspace and drones
~ Instructions for Continued Airworthiness NPA opens
~ Zebedee List no 370 – advertising rates reduced
~ Cameron ‘Long Build’ offer announced.
~ Icicle Meet beaten by the weather
~ Lord Mayor’s Hot Air Balloon Regatta dates
~ Elusive Lindstrands – Accessorise
~ Duxford announces free admission for kids
~ Midlands Air Festival gaining pace.
~ Here, have a look at this. Films out!
~ Motorbike Technical Literature – Rusty Books
~ More All Fools announced
~ Frightened of flying (in a plane silly)

News update 02.03.18 – BBAC AGM

British Balloon & Airship Club AGM cancelled The BBAC’s Annual General Meeting was to have been held at the Mercure Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday 3rd March. In view of the rather adverse weather the meeting has been cancelled. A new date for the AGM has been set for Sunday 18th March starting at 13.30… Read More ›

News 29.01.18

~ CAA Vacancy Posted
~ Events page updated
~ Egyptian Balloon Accident
~ Ryanair luggage ‘rules’ change and beware check-in rules!
~ Sperrins Balloon Meet 20th Anniversary
~ Legs Eleven – Grass Roots on the move
~ Barry’s balloon for sale – Bargain
~ Rumour Control – Homebuilt Meet
~ 2018 British Balloon & Airship club Instructor days announced
~ Next Fire & First Aid 9th March – Tips and Hints
~ CAA Open Day – Tuesday 6 February
~ Santa’s Silver Surfer
~ Adopt a plane