Balloon Repair Station

News Update 03.02.19

I remember now all about stuff coming in as soon as you go to press! Well not to break the mould two items of interest possibly maybe.

EASA Flight Crew Licensing regulation survey
Not that we know what is about to happen for us balloonists but never mind they have abudget and so will spent it I’m sure so EASA has launched an external evaluation of the Flight Crew Licensing regulation related to the initial and recurrent training, licence issuance, competence assessment by instructors and checking by examiners.
They would like to invite you to participate in the survey and to actively contribute to a successful outcome, an active contribution from the affected stakeholders is critical to the success of this large-scale evaluation. Pleased they are asking us stakeholders before acting.

As if you needed confirmation of the value of what if maybe last paragraph confirms that, ‘Although the UK’s relationship with EASA post the UK’s withdrawal from the EU has not yet been decided, we would encourage you to engage with this survey to ensure your views can be taken into account.’ To give us all plenty of time to discuss this and respond accordingly we have until the end of the month. The survey will close on 28 February 2019 . W had a quick look and its sort of tick box stuff with written responses. First off it asks about costs of getting various ratings. Bet the CAA come out top. If you think it worthwhile it is available on the following link:

Space hot air balloons – Now this really is interesting
If can make it then this Lecture sounds very interesting and is free unlike Bristol Balloon Fiesta. Jeff Roberts has come across details for a talk in London on 25th February, as follows: It’s a public lecture at Kings College London on Monday 25 February, by Dr Caroline Shenton-Taylor, a member of one of the Global Space Balloon Challenge teams. She will talk about the life of Auguste Piccard and will dwell on the engineering of hot air balloons to venture beyond hostile environments. It will also go into the evolution of hot air balloons to the current point of creating space balloons capable of carrying humans! Link to get free tickets:
If you want to go you will need to register to get up to 2 free tickets, or check out the Loughborough Students Union Balloon Team Facebook page.