Balloon Repair Station

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Strange times – The 5th Leap Meet, Feb 2020 – Peter Dowlen reports

I am writing this in strange times, we are in lockdown and, as I sit here in glorious April sunshine, I am reminiscing back to the very last balloon event, held in normal times, in the UK. I am speaking, of course, about the 2020 Leap Meet, held in Llandovery, South Wales, at the end… Read More ›

The No Ice Re-frozen Icicle 2020

The Icicle has been part of balloonings’ heritage since it first started and over the years has become the national institution that reminds us that better is yet to come as the evenings draw out and the sun shines warmer. It’s a chance to meet up with friends old and new, check out the latest… Read More ›

Vortex Burner

It has always puzzled me that the manufacturers, and it does seem to include all of them to one degree or another, seldom promote their new, or existing come to that, products in a meaningful way. Ballooning I grant you is a pretty close-knit community so perhaps they feel there is no need, word of… Read More ›

Peace and Love, what’s in your basket Tom Cobbly? – Minimum Equipment?

Now one and all, just chill. Its bad but not that bad. Having nearly arrived before the balloon, riding the flexirigids like whotshisface in Dr Strangelove, I can say, hand on heart, that a pilot restraint is not a bad thing especially if you don’t have turning vents…Yee Ha! Anyway having boiled me brain trying… Read More ›

John’s Balloon – Building the Dream

It all started a long time ago. Needles has been after building his own balloon for ever. Thing was, “Love to do it, but what is the point?” he oft asked. Fair comment, he doesn’t have a licence and, over the years, if you add up all the panels, patches and rebuilds he has done… Read More ›

2019 Icicle Warms up nicely

What a way to start the year. An Icicle that flies all the slots. The benchmark for 2019 is now set high. We had actually got a couple of flights in with the trusty ’56 on the Thursday and Friday before the Icicle stole the weather for the weekend. Despite rumours to the contrary I… Read More ›

The Day I Flew inside Liverpool Cathedral – Robin Batchelor

In our very late December News we reported on the trial inflation of a balloon inside Liverpool Cathedral. The inception and instigation of this wonderful happening was all due to the efforts of dear old Birdman Batchelor and here is his story of what happened come the day the event proper took place. Images courtesy… Read More ›

Keith and Jeff’s Big Adventure – the Channel Crossing

Probably one of the greatest adventures you can have in ballooning is to leave this fair isle using the wind currents and arrive on foreign soil. The Channel isn’t that wide and thus France not that far but crossing it requires a lot of careful planning and preparation. To run an event that looks to… Read More ›

Debbie’s Great British Dash – Long Jump 2016

The Long Jump is one of the last great personal challenges. Forget your altitude records, round the world flights and competition flying, all very challenging to different degrees I’m sure, but The Great British Long Jump is truly a personal challenge and one that has seen some pretty courageous flying over the years. Last year… Read More ›

Sunshine and Shapes – The Incredible Inflation Day

The British Balloon & Museum Inflation day takes place on a fixed day every two years so the weather isn’t exactly guaranteed! Despite this the Old and Rusty mob are no fair weather fliers and will, within reason, always give it a go. The chosen day, May 7th 2016, couldn’t have been better. Blue skies,… Read More ›