Kubicek BA.017 goes to Issue 17 & Cameron BA.013 to Issue 14
Belatedly, as I forgot to put this scintillating news in the last News thingy, apologies and I thought we’d updated the Cameron change in the TCDS/Manual pages already. Clearly not it seems, must have been the excitement of the new Cameron website going on line. Camerons TCDS BA.013 went to Issue 14 on 17th October and Kubicek Special Shape TCDS BA.017 went to Issue 17 on 30th October. The Cameron TCDS update appears to be a volume correction (amendment) to the A-Type A450LW but we’ve noticed that they forgot to update the update page. The Kubicek one is the addition of SHIP special shape and the Flight Manual supplement B2102-SHIP. Anyone got a piccie of it?
Service Instruction for Concept Balloons gets under the radar
Somehow we also managed to miss this one. Cameron Balloons have issued a Service Instruction for the fitting of a Spider Tape to the top of their Concept envelopes. This is presumably to help prevent parachute creep but, having spoken to the fine and upstanding Lindsay Sadler at Camerons, actually it isn’t, it actually makes the pull on the parachute a whole lot lighter so best have it done if you are finding it more of a strain as senior years encroach my dears. We reckon its about £60 to have it fitted (including tape and nonsense) Recommended. To download the Service Instruction S106-A which was issued on October 2nd 2013 go to http://www.cameronballoons.co.uk/support#service-instructions and click on the pretty little pdf symbol. While you are there the Service Instruction on Launch Restraints (S-104-A) published back in August is well worth a read.