Balloon Repair Station

News Update 29.04.16

Cameron Service Bulletin SB24 Downrated
Following further investigation into the failure of a mounting bracket on a double Sirocco burner Cameron Ballloons Ltd have made the decision to change the status of Service Bulletin 24 (SB24) from ‘Required’ to ‘Recommended. This means that the there is no mandatory requirement to replace the mounting brackets however it is now strongly advised.

The official statement from Cameron Balloons main man John Davies reads:
‘Service Bulletin 24 is in the process of being updated to downgrade the compliance category from “Required” to “Recommended”. An analysis of the failed parts has shown that the failure was not caused by metal fatigue but probably caused by one or more abuse loads outside of the normal flight envelope. Additionally, as a product improvement, a new bracket will be available and upgrading burner assemblies to the new design standard is recommended as it gives greater resistance to abuse loading and improves inspection provisions.’
For more information speak to your inspector or call John Davies on +44 (0) 117 9637216, email