Balloon Repair Station

Welcome 30.09.13

lindsey at the nationalsWhat Ho and a jolly welcome to you. Thanks for visiting our site. In our day job we are a Part M Subpart Organisation attempting to cope with all the rubbish thrown our, and all things aviation, from Europe. Sadly EASA seems to rubble on as a pretty out of touch organisation but that doesn’t matter we can still enjoy ourselves. So, here you will find nuts and bolts stuff in the pages and articles elsewhere on balloons and inspecting and like stuff but also some rather off-the-wall articles, reports and stories that we have collected for your amusement. With all the recent met forecasts being bonkers and John being away in places warm and sunny we have managed to get a fair bit done around the place but now its time to clear up the workshop before his return. In his absence we enjoyed another trip down to the Bishy Emporium to inspect their personal craft noting that not many hours had been done in them! ‘Must be Flown more’ was noted in the respective logbooks! On the cover is a rather fetching picture of how to rock the socks out of an Ultramagic Racer here being skilfully piloted by Lindsay Muir at the British Nationals held in France. Hmmmm wonder what was going through the Observer’s mind?

Our best wishes go out to Mike Gunston who was involved in a very nasty car accident that made Sally Traffic news. Reports are that he is recovering well and still has his sense of humour. More in the News bit. Meanwhile Burner whizz Mister Bonnano’s van fell over but he is thankfully fine. We had a lovely time at Sackville despite cloud and drizzle putting the kybosh on Sunday mornings’ flight however a fine breakfast helped. The only downside was that the beer ran out on Saturday night! We had a tent you could stand in courtesy of Dave Such. Bad thing was the new (ancient) dog wandered off in the night. Being deaf didn’t help in getting it back! I did have one of those special moments the other day. We had a great gathering of swallows on the wires in the field. They swirled and spiralled time and again before all coming together on the wires where they perched for ten minutes then, as one, they were gone. Goodbye friendly swallows, goodbye summer.

Over in the Rusty Department there’s bad news on the Bazzer Toyota Colorado front. Seems that it is an uphill battle trying to get bits for it especially the ones we order. I remember now why we stopped doing cars. Latest is that a couple of the camshaft caps had hairline cracks and meaning that once they were torqued down it wouldn’t turn. Hey ho. Meanwhile the Bonnie needs an Mot whilst the Thunderbird no longer needs one. Bizarre change in regulations there then. On the workshop front the farm had a visit by three ladies from HS2 in advance of compulsory purchase. It seems HS2 are looking at acquiring an additional 1,000 acres between Amersham and Wendover. That’ll knock a hole in their already bonkers costs. We are safe until the Hybrid Bill goes (or doesn’t go) through next year. Who knows but no further sign of the bat and reptile counters. So without further ado thanks again for visiting please have a look round, we hope you enjoy the site. Best regards Jane, John, Alice and Chris.