Balloon Repair Station

News update 12.07.13.

New arrival announced

isabelleTypical, here we go again, as soon as we put a News wotsit up something else occurs. I should have known better when I told our Alice, wot does a lot of the processing-type stuff in the office and answers the phone, that her little’un would be early and arrive on the 12th July. I should have left the News until Saturday. Well she gave birth to Isabelle Catherine (sounds French and is no way to spell Isobel), a very pretty girl weighing in at a modest 5lb 15ozs at 0800 this morning. Well sweet. It naturally filled the day with chaos and pretty terrific it was. So there you have it, grandchild six, I am led to believe. If you are on Faceache as a friend of Jane you probably knew about it before me. Just to make the day a Dakota flew over the workshop at just shy of the trees then banked around and headed east. Ask Steve Bray and his missus how low it was. He was collecting the burner and a cylinder on route to Tiverton and was as gob-smacked as me as it came head-on down the valley clearly on a mission. It wasn’t so much as low, it was very low. Having now just returned from an inspection of aforementioned small person thanks also go to Stewart Seager who also performed a celebratory flyby in his ‘210. Lovely. So big ones to Jamie and Alice and, of course, little ISOBEL. Verry, verry busy now whetting baby’s ‘ead. That’ll be Holly, Nicole, Charlie, Josie, James and now Isabelle. I’ll have to get meself a Philofax and bank loan.