Balloon Repair Station

Welcome to Easy Balloons 16.02.13.

Welcome to you if this is your first visit and thanks for coming back if you’ve been around these parts in a previous life. Before you think you have come to the wrong site, despite Easy Balloons Ltd actually being a Part M Subpart F & G Organisation looking after airworthiness matters relating to hot air balloons in EASAland where you will naturally find all the general (and not so general) airworthiness stuff in the Pages down the side (which we keep updated along with details of balloon meets and the like), there are other very non-ballooning articles lurking here and there. Phew! In the news bit this time round is a bit about Virgin’s new pilots and the latest Ride Business changes plus a bit about the BBAC Inspector Forum that recently took place and news on the proposed BBAC membership increases. All very PC stuff don’t you know? We’ve are also about to update the Events page to help you plan your ballooning year.

Back on the home front, just when we thought the snow had gorn the jolly white stuff got chucked over us once more but I’m very pleased to say it has all really gone now and we have had lovely (ish) weather ever since but sadly there is no sign that the very waterlogged ground is drying out. On a trip back from Weston-super-Mare last week through Glastonbury (where we had a quick bit of heathen worship, like you do) the surrounding countryside looked pretty much as it did in Arthur’s day! Flooded. There is no chance of any winter wheat going in around here! Our problem at the moment is getting the bigger balloons and shapes inspected as everything is just too wet. Its now ten years since the proof testing came in so luckily we are keeping busy re-testing and John is knitting baskets together for his sins. Not many know this but John is actually a very accomplished jeweller and has just recently been allocated his own hallmark. To celebrate this Goldsmiths in London invited him for a bit of a tour round the premises which is also home to the London Assay Office. “Could I bring a guest please?” They were more than happy so the pair of us nipped back to the Smoke for yet another day out! Report to follow shortly.

In the article department we have just put up a bit about the taper bushes fitted to most fans. The removal and fitting of these little devils is the source of many a cry for help so as we had Chris Dobson’s fan in to fit a re-conditioned cage we took the liberty of getting the camera out and taking some piccies to put together a bit of a guide. It’ll be in Technical bit I expect under Wibbly Wobbly fans. Recent visitors have included the nice Dave Johnson whose luvverly missus came armed with a bag of scones. That’s the way to get a discount! See the News for the full story of greed and gluttony in the workplace. Thanks again for visiting. Please stay and have a look around, most of the pics will get bigger if you click on them. We hope you enjoy the site and have a chuckle. Best regards Jane, John and Chris