Balloon Repair Station

Welcome to Easy Balloons 25.08.12.

A very warm welcome to you and bless it the weather is great. Bristol and Northampton went really well with almost all the slots going so well done everyone. On the home front the harvest is going well and all the hay is in. The workshop is buzzing and we have had a nice week long visit from Paolo Oggiwotsits from Italy who is busy training up to become an inspector. Visitors in the past couple of weeks have included John Viner’s Beer Glass special shape G-BNHL and the rarely seen G-OGLY which is going on tour with a Bugatti and something else rusty including Robin Batchelor. In a moment of sunshine madness we even managed to roll John and his sewing machine outside. He insisted on taking his lamp though. Team moped went in search of bits to sunny Suffolk the other day and there should be a bit on that somewhere called ‘We nearly went to sea’.

Sadly in the News we report on the bad accidents that occurred abroad last week but there is good news in that Matthew Scaife has done amazingly well in the Worlds and DFDS ferries have now relaxed all their controls on Cross Channel sailings as far as purged cylinders are concerned thanks to Dave Such. We are all digging out enough bits to take a balloon to the Grass Roots Meet coming up in September (weather permitting). Be there or be square. On the affordable ballooning front Tim Wilkinson is proposing a clever equipment sharing scheme to get the costs of running a balloon down.

So with the fields cut and the weather a bit better than it has been for a while a big welcome and thanks for dropping by. We try our best to keep EASA nonsense as simple as possible and through our EASA (love ‘em not) Part M Subpart F&G Organisation offer a simple way to keep your balloon airworthy. Please feel free to use the site. Most of the stuff is downloadable. If you need anything balloon related then please call or drop a line and we’ll do our best to help. Thanks again for visiting and we hope you enjoy the site.