Easy Balloons 

Welcome 10.06.2020
Welcome indeed and we trust you and yours are keeping well, staying safe and the garden looks grand. All sorts are going on at the moment so apologies for the delay in the appearance of the June edition.
Currently we remain closed and are not planning to carry out any inspections or repairs until July 1st, at the earliest, when we will revue the situation. We realise that a return to balloon flying is now in progress and that solo flying and same-household flights are now permitted. If you choose to take advantage of this and require an inspection please use another inspector plan, your flight thoroughly and take great care. [more …]

Welcome 01.05.2020
Hi and a very warm welcome to you. Thanks for dropping by. Slight rethink on the way we present in the present clime. We will use the Welcome page to let you know exactly what we are at or not. You will find a bit of a repeat in the News but this seems to be where everyone comes first. Thank you. Currently we remain closed and are not planning to carry out any inspections or repairs for the foreseeable. At the moment, apart from the threat of infection and travel restrictions and although we would love to see all our customers again and earn some money, we will not be carrying out any inspections or maintenance until Government and CAA advice allows it.[More …]

Welcome 06.04.2020
Here is hoping all is fine and dandy with you all and that the lock down isn’t driving you insane or more so than normal. We have managed to finish pretty much all the outstanding jobs in the workshop apart from Bishy’s very old & rusty burner and test firing stuff on account we haven’t got any propane left. The Black Horse is closed obviously but that also means there was no electric to the bulk tank so that’s that. What we have left is reserved for the forklift. We have been digging for victory and now have veggie patches and mended greenhouses aplenty. [ more … ]

Welcome 24.03.2020
Seems that what would start as Merry March has become well mad March. Clearly then, things have taken a bit of turn since pen last went to paper and we were all full of hope and happiness for this year. Never mind, could be a lot worse, as they say. I’m a devout 21st March Spring person. Usually we would paint ourselves green and gather in the woods and atop hills and downs and wave sprigs of willow to welcome the change of season. [more …]

Welcome 09.02.2020
Belated greetings to 2020. This morning is mainly very windy and a tad different to last week. Despite that snowdrops, crocuses and primroses and out here and bringing joy. Always fancied producing saffron but a tad intensive I fear and not good for the back! A fair few years back I unwittingly landed in The Crocus field at Inkpen. It is an SSSI and is famous for the show of lilac crocuses in March. Fortunately it was January and we’d flown from the Icicle. The local warden of the site was most helpful but asked if we wouldn’t land there again until after flowering and die off had finished. Not a problem we said. [more …]

Welcome 22.12.2019
Here we are back again after a longer break which was neither expected nor planned. As reported back in April, our Pete fell out of a tree breaking his back in the process. That is still giving him jip but continues to heal slowly. As a result of the fall he had a full on body scan, especially to his head. What transpired was that they found a disturbing rather large shadow on his brain. A further scan and tests revealed a very large tumour which was deemed to have very aggressive tendencies, so much so that further tests were not needed. The news came as a huge shock to everyone as he had showed no signs of having it, which did puzzle the doctors somewhat. It is something we really didn’t want to hear. The upshot was very simple. [more …]

Welcome 08.04.19
Well now, two Welcomes in as many weeks! Thing is I was hoping to have had the news and an article or two out before we went gallivanting in Spain but clearly that didn’t happen, so apologies. Since our return from sunny, raining cloudy, exhausting Spain rather a lot has occurred not least our Pete falling twenty foot out of a tree. Fortunately for Pete he landed on his ropeman Tom who now looks like he has been in a car crash. Fortunately, but to be expected, they were both a hundred percent Health and Saftetied up. Had they not been, neither would be able to tell the story. [more …]

Welcome 26.03.19
Ah ha! Big Hello’s but, now then, listen up, we are publishing this bit early for March as we will be too busy celebrating or commiserating about Brexit stuff. Actually its because we are having a bit of a pre-season break. I’m off from 26 March until 2 April to walk in Spain with Stewpot and Godders and then John is off from 4 April until the 9 April getting his chainsaw certificate. Please be aware that we will be closed until 9 April … [more …]

Welcome 02.03.19
Well, what a February. Cracking month but too short. It always seems that it is a week short but of course it isn’t, just isn’t long enough. Now we’re into Hopping Hare Muddy March. The weather has been kind and we have managed to get a fair amount
done including some early morning flying. We did have a crack at midday take off but it was just a tad gusty with the upper wind stationary. Never mind, made up for it by having a great flight across the village the following morning and waving to all those poor people on their way to work stuck in traffic. Great sport that. We even managed to land on our friendly Bierton farmer making it three times in the past month or two. Excellent. The HS2 archaeological mob swept across the back fields digging trenches and finding nothing… [more …]

Welcome 01.02.19
Welcome to Fablon February. This is the way to do it. Got stuff done as it came in and suddenly we have News for this edition. Smashing. What is smashing is the number of kind notes welcoming us back! Thank you. Well, back we are and this time around we have been doing stuff despite the temperature changes, mind you, although we did get a couple of flights in the trusty ’56 first week in January, I did manage to go to, and then miss, The Icicle. We have had a great dollup of snow and, as I type this, more is falling. [more …]