Easy Balloon Inspectors in the Field
Updated 23.01.2025 – general details revised – Non-part 21 arrangements added.
Easy Balloons uses inspectors in areas other than Buckinghamshire who between them can provide our simple year on year inspections and issue Airworthiness Revue Certificates (ARC) for private, public transport and special shaped balloons. If you choose to use them they can issue both the Release to Service and the ARC such that they expire on the same day. For balloons not engaged in the carriage of passengers there is no CAMO contract involved so no reams of stuff coming through the letterbox or hidden charges. What you pay the inspector is a one-off payment. You will not be ‘in a CAMO’ but everything airworthiness will be dealt with so you can go flying and ongoing up-to-date information is always available here on the website. If you need help or advice please call the office on 01296 624725 or send an email to office@easyballoons.co.uk
Although all our inspectors, within their approvals, are happy to help and assist with Lapsed/new Certificates of Airworthiness or Export Certificates of Airworthiness the applications are normally made through the office.
Please note; as there is no requirement for a non-Part 21 balloon to hold a Certificate of Airworthiness or require an ARC, although happy to help or give advice, Easy Balloons Ltd are not directly involved in their airworthiness. Easy Balloons strongly recommends tht Non-Part 21 balloons are inspeced along the same lines as Part 21 balloons. If you wish to have your non-Part 21 balloon inspected any arrangements should be made directly with the inspector. Easy Balloons Ltd does not process or oversee any aperwork issued.
Pete Bish is authorised to carry out envelope repairs as a category 5 inspector and sign the repairs off under Easy Balloons Subpart F. He is based near Hungerford in Berkshire. Website is http://www.zebedeelist.co.uk, telephone 01488 681527, Email adverts@zebedeelist.co.uk
Tony Brown based near Guildford in sunny Surrey inspections by arrangement. Private and Public Transport Balloons. Email at mach2seo@gmail.com or phone on 01483 233895.
Cary Crawley based in Essex but available for inspections worldwide by arrangement. Authorised to inspect private, public transport and special shapes. He is also an Examiner, both private and commercial, and instructor. Contact by Email which is checked very regularily carycrawley@yahoo.com.
Paul Dickinson formally of Thunder & Colt and Sky Balloons Paul now represents Ultramagic Balloons. Based in St Martins near Oswestry (not the island!) he is a Category 2 inspector inspecting Private, Special Shape and Public Transport Balloons and travels regularly to Spain. Tel 01691 770027 or mobile 07041 544160.
Chris Dunkley is mainly based at Hartley Farm, Wendover but, along with all the team, is happy to travel anywhere. If you want to arrange an Inspection Day in your area or for your Region please let us know and we will be delighted to help, along with any of our inspectors if required. Private, Public Transport and special shapes. Contact is 01296 624725 or email chrisdunkley@compuserve.com.
Jonathan Dyer is based in Farnborough in Hampshire. He does travel overseas and is happy to carry out inspections there by arrangement. He is well-known for his input at both the BBAC Inspector Seminars and Instructor Days. He is authorised to inspect private balloons up to 120,000 cu feet. He is also an instructor and examiner. He can be contacted on 01252 519142 mobile 07889 835711 or email skydyer@yahoo.co.uk
Simon Forse Not currently current but still has a wealth of information inspector about everything and anything from Private through Airships, Public Transport, Special Shapes to Gas. Present contact details are email simonforse@btinternet.com or telephone 01691 659188.
Tony Gould was at the birth of modern ballooning and is approved to inspect private balloons up to 120,000 cu ft. Additionally he is an instructor. He is based in Rushmere, Suffolk tel. 07711 196768 or by email at gouldcat@btinternet.com
Geoff Lescott heralds from Cowley, Oxford. He has a fine sense of humour and admits a fondness for exotic locations (not necessarily exotic machinery) and prefers returning customers. Which means he will travel by arrangement. He is a Cat3 inspector and approved to inspect private balloons up to 120,000 cu feet and is generally available during the week and weekends for inspections. He can be contacted by email at geoff.lescott@gmail.com, mobile 07711 638526 or home 01865 770794.
Paolo Oggioni runs Slowfly Mongolfiere in Mondovi, Italy where he is also Chairman of the Mondovi Balloon Club. In addition he has a well-equipped workshop where, apart from general balloony repairs he can carry out Proof Pressure Testing. He is also holds a BBAC Instructor rating. He is happy to travel but equally delighted to carry out inspections in Mondovi, Italy, so if your balloon resides there then he is on site. Currently he rated as a Cat3 inspector and is approved to inspect regular shapes upto 120,000 cu.ft. He can be contacted on mobile: +39 335 1045115 or by email at paolo.oggioni@slowfly.it
Ross Powell is based on the Hampshire/Wiltshire border. He has now sadly retired, bought a Citreon 2CV called ‘Green Pea’ and lives in a yurt in the West Country. Although not inspecting if you need help and advice give him a shout. Contact by mobile 07774 241014 or e-mail: lotusballoons@aol.com
Jeff Sommers, well respected in the commercial ballooning world, he is based in Shropshire and can inspect both private and commercial balloons and issue ARCs. He is available at short notice any day of the week and can travel anywhere. He enjoys mending baskets and carries out repairs and servicing to equipment. Contact him on 01952 375668, 07925 877345 or email j.sommers@btinternet.com
Dave Such has been around balloons for many years and is based in Spaldwick near Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire. near He is approved to inspect Regular and Special Shaped Balloons and prepared to travel anywhere within reason. Dave can be contacted on 01480 890721, 07989 988082 or email davesuch@btinternet.com
John Till operates from his farm just off the A64 near Welburn and can be contacted on his home/evening phone number 01653 619990 or daytime/work number 01653 618294. Email john.till@btconnect.com will also reach him. Inspections are available by appointment pretty much anytime. He can inspect all sizes of Balloon including Public Transport.
Richard Tillson has a dog like mine and is based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire and can be contacted by telephone on 07711 284146 or Email at tillson@me.com. He is generally available mid-week and weekends and can usually carry out an inspections at relatively short notice. Travelling to inspect a balloon isn’t a problem or alternatively he can usually find somewhere close to his home. He is currently rated for Private balloons.
Malcolm White is on the Emerald Isle and is approved to inspect both private and commercial balloons and issue ARCs. He also travels widely, runs a Ride Business and is an Instructor. He is at 14 Newtown Close, Abbeyview, Trim Co Meath +353 8764 00000, mob +0353 46 9483436. Email malcolm@white.ie Website at http://www.balloons.ie
Dan Wilson Based in Norwich, he is prepared to travel anywhere at any time given a bit of notice. He is also an instructor. Mobile: 07710 031715, Home (evenings): 01493 700174 email: danw@talk21.com
Colin Wolstenholme is based in Somerset but will travel by arrangement pretty much anywhere. Extensive knowledge of all the balloon manufacturers equipment as he has worked for nearly all of them! He has a very well equipped workshop. Approved to inspect and issue ARCs for all types of balloons including special shapes and Passenger Transport. Approved to carry out Proof Pressure Testing to cylinders. He is also an examiner (PPL, CPL and TRE) and instructor. His contact details are address; High Croft, Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton, N.E. Somerset BS39 6YH, Tel 07802 367700 email colinwol@btinternet.com
John Yarrow is an ARC signatory for Easy Balloons so can carry out Airworthiness Reviews and additionally can sign off repairs under Easy Balloons CAO. He is based at the Wendover workshop telephone 01296 624725 or email through the <office@easyballoons.co.uk>.