Re-kindling the Flames – a ripping yarn
Now before you go thinking that this should have come out before the article on the Joe Philp Fun Day, it should, but couldn’t as the whole thing was top secret. Visitors to the workshop were sworn to secrecy if they twigged what was being mended. Now the event is over we can finally release… Read More ›

Big Ben – Tylers Green Jubilee Beacon
So, midweek, sometime in April, we get a phone call from a bloke named Bill. We get calls from blokes named Bill fairly often, mainly though they are asking questions about balloon rides or whether we can build an arch out of multicoloured balloons for their daughter’s wedding in Basildon. Opening gambit this time though… Read More ›
Concorde flies again
Tim Orchard is a balloonist. He also holds the record for the fastest ever crossing of the Atlantic by commercial airliner (like with passengers sipping champagne on board and all that Henley-type stuff yah). He, along with Captain Leslie Scott and Senior Engineering Officer Rick Eades, managed to get their Concorde, G-BOAD, from New York… Read More ›
Robin Batchelor-the hidden bits bite back!
Many years ago whilst flying from the sadly missed Southampton Balloon and Flower Festival I was asked by Lenny Vaughan, then new to the ‘circuit’, about flying out of shows. I told him, quite seriously, that the take off should be as good as you can get it but the landing didn’t really matter as… Read More ›
An Australian Adventure-the bit you didn’t see
So it goes, often stranger than fact, when a project kicks off, that someone suggests something that isn’t exactly along a straight line. Indeed, as a Devon duck arrives on the table, maybe such a strange tale is better left for early morning. Having taken part in many a project, stunt or bit o’film work… Read More ›