Lindstrand Balloons TCDS updates.
All the Lindstrand EASA TCDS issue numbers have now been updated now. A-type Cloudhoppers (BA501) goes from Issue 1 to 2, L-type (BA504) from Issue 1 to 2, S-type (BA505) from Issue 2 to 3 and X-type (BA506) from Issue 3 to 4.
All now show Cameron Balloons Ltd as the Type Certificate Holder. The TCDS also makes allowances to ensure that from now on any new ‘Lindstrand balloons’ will be built under the Cameron banner. The split will be on serial number. There is a bit of confusion in the manual status as the revised TCDSs make reference to the Cameron Manuals. For all existing Lindstrand built balloons there is no need to get a Cameron Manual but when the Cameron Manuals are updated it may be more convenient to switch if you use a mix of Cameron and Lindstrand components. New Cameron-built Lindstrand envelopes will be therefore be issued with a Cameron Manual.
We’ll have to wait and see how they sort out the inspection schedules but for new Cameron-built Lindstrand envelopes they will use the Cameron Schedule. Not to be confused with the Maintenance Programme which for now is unchanged, unless of course it’s a new Cameron-built one in which case it will come under Cameron. Simple. Latest from that fine fellow John Davies at Cameron Balloons Ltd and their links with the remnants of Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons Ltd is this :
‘The updated Lindstrand Type Certificate Data Sheets are now on the EASA website here: The TCDS’s now include the option to use the Cameron Manuals but is recommended that the Lindstrand Manuals are used at this time unless you have a combination of basket/burner that isn’t listed. The Lindstrand Inspection schedule should be used until the applicability of the Cameron document is updated. Lindstrand Service Bulletins and Service instructions are now on the Cameron Balloons Website here:
Service Bulletins Service Instructions Other documents will follow in due course. If there is any documentation you urgently require please contact’
Bottom wotsit is that you need do nothing if you own a Lindstrand Balloon. It is all looking good. Airworthiness for current Lindstrand Balloons remains unaffected.